Hy, Python, Data Science, and Meta-programming
Hy is an interesting language that can be used by Pythonistas to simplify work in data science.
Why Hy?
Hy supports coding in a Lisp-y (don’t be scared!) syntax, and Hy produces real python code.
Hy can be used to simplify use of common patterns. In particular, the Lisp-y syntax available in Hy, and, in particular, Hy’s ability to define Lisp-style macros, allow that-which-is-always-the-same (boilerplate) to be coded once, and that-which-might-change (variations) to be used as parametric values.
Getting Hy
Here is where to get Hy: http://docs.hylang.org/en/stable/quickstart.html
Python is heavily used in data science work. Python has a healthy related ecosystem. Great libraries include Numpy, Pandas, MatPlotLib, and Seaborn. Key tools are Jupyter notebooks, and Google’s Colab notebooks.
Hy can be used to generate Python code to glue these great tools together.
Hy and Data Science
Here is a good article on how Hy can be used with Pandas: https://xvrdm.github.io/2017/10/26/getting-hy-with-pandas/
Pipelining is a great pattern for high-level control of sets of tasks that are often executed, and in a particular order. An example is: Ingest data Remove useless rows Replace “not a number” values One-hot encode categorical values And so on.
Pipelining often involves chaining functions or procedures together so that output of one step becomes input to a following step. Intermediate steps are often defined to take, as input, one value (even if it is a huge, complex value, like a dataframe) and produce, as output one (even if…) value.
Hy has a great tool (the threading macro, written ->) that allows these steps to be chained. However, if intermediate steps require multiple values as input, a chain cannot be continued.
The article above shows a way of dealing with this, inevitably breaking a chain of processing in twain.
Hy and Metaprogramming
I want to show how Hy’s support of metaprogramming supports unifying these two chains.